Live your visit to one of the most beautiful areas of Spain. Walking routes, Cycling, Haute cuisine, Nature, all in one, live the experience of Alicante Interior Tourism.
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In Alicante it is possible to organize excursions, routes and hiking in the interior. Great variety of routes that are cataloged according to their distances and levels of difficulty to be able to choose them according to the physical form of who performs them, if traveling with children or even accompanied by pets.
These routes are carried out with monitors and are perfect for those who do not know the area well and have little experience, since they prevent the person from getting lost and are helpful in any problem that may arise along the way.
For those who have experience, there are more demanding routes that can be carried out without monitors and in which you can enjoy this hobby in the midst of places of great beauty.
Agrotourism is a term to define what is popularly known as rural tourism. It is a very fashionable type of tourism, because it takes travelers away from the more crowded circuits and offers the possibility of relaxing and coming into contact with nature, something that is becoming increasingly difficult for those who live in large cities.
Taking advantage of the holidays to get oxygenated, get away from the noise, do some sports and see beautiful natural places is a great choice, and in the interior of Alicante we can offer all this to our visitors.
The interior of Alicante is a perfect terrain for rural tourism. Its offer is very wide and very varied. Sports are offered, such as hiking; the relaxation and rest of the charming rural hotels; the refreshing and beautiful place of its pools and rivers; the cultural offer of the surrounding towns; the charm of protected environments that generally attracts all nature lovers, and a long etcetera.
One of the most beautiful inland routes is El Barranc de l’Encantà, a simple but long route since it is ten circular kilometers in its classic version. However, you can opt for shorter routes or to walk only part of this path, for example in the case of doing it with young children.
Another simple and very beautiful route, perfect to do with children is the one at the source of the Vinalopó River, a very simple route that is, in fact, a beautiful walk through the source of this river that starts from the Font de la Coveta.
The Font Roja Natural Park, in Alcoy, offers different routes, from some short and very simple ones to do with children to others with a medium degree of difficulty for people with a little more experience.
Visitors who come to discover the interior of Alicante need places to stay. In addition to beautiful rural hotels, you will also discover a great offer of rural houses for the whole summer, as well as for shorter stays.
You will also enjoy all kinds of activities typical of rural tourism such as excursions, outings for hiking trails of all levels of difficulty, horseback riding etc.
We offer you a wide variety of activities for its visitors and it is an excellent option for a holiday with your partner, family or friends.
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